Saturday 15 October 2011

Evaluating Our Footage

Google definition of the 180 degree rule:
The 180° rule is a basic guideline in film making that states that two characters (or other elements) in the same scene should always have the same left/right relationship to each other. If the camera passes over the imaginary axis connecting the two subjects, it is called crossing the line

Our footage consisted of a gay couple arguing about how one had cheated and how he didnt want to be with the other anymore. Dan and Callum played the roles of the gay couple whilst myself, Matt Hickin, Sarah and Matt Hillaby controlled the camera.
Matt Hicken started the footage by using a establishing shot, the only downfall on this shot was that the camera wobbled slightly due to the wind and the transistion between this shot and the medium was very sudden but apart from that everything else was perfect. The only thing we would change was the wobble of the camera as it made the footage look unproffesional and make the transistion look smoother between the scenes.
I then had to do the medium shot, on the first take I stoped the footage to suddenly so I then had to re-film it. After refilming the medium shot it was still to short but this was only realised during editing, so we would have change the length of the medium shot to make the transistion look smoother.
Lastly Sarah and Matt Hillaby had to film the close up's, the downfalls on these shots where that they were more like medium close up's due to the head room and being able to see below the shoulders which a close up does not contain, we also had problems with the sound due to the wind and filming outside, this was also only realised during the editing process. If we were to re-film this we would correct the shot sizes and film indoors were there is no interferance with the sound.

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